Kingdom Ministries International Spirit and Life School
Teaching the Word and the Holy Spirit
God told us to "build the training center" and to "teach the Word and teach the Spirit." We have a unique mandate to raise up men and women of God who are learned in the Word of God, thoroughly equipped for every good work, and empowered in the Holy Spirit to be effective in their life and call to serve here and in the nations of the world.
Join us for these Exciting Classes:
Prophetic School
Jesus and the Prophetic
Life of Christ
The Torah
Prophets of the Bible
Here are all the classes offered through the School:
Bible Classes
Old Testament Survey (3 Hours)
The Life of Christ (3 Hours)
New Testament Survey (3 Hours)
The Torah (3 Hours)
The Kingdom of God (3 Hours)
Acts and Early Church History (3 Hours)
Old Testament History (3 Hours)
Pastoral Epistles (3 Hours)
Old Testament Writings (3 Hours)
The General Epistles (3 Hours)
Systematic Theology (3 Hours)
The Pauline Epistles (3 Hours)
Holy Spirit Classes
Prophets of the Bible (3 Hours)
Gitts of the Holy Spirit (2 Hours)
Jesus in the Prophetic (3 Hours)
Offices of Ministry (2 Hours)
Preparing and Posturing (3 Hours)
Activation of the Gifts (2 Hours)
Activation of the Offices (2 Hours)
Posture, Receive, and Deliver (3 Hours)
Discover and Experience the Gifts (2 Hours)
Activate and Cultivate the Gifts (2 Hours)
Activation of the Seer, Hearer, Feeler (6 Hrs)
Ministry Classes
Hermeneutics (2 Hours)
Personal Evangelism (2 Hours)
Ethics (1 Hour)
Public Speaking (2 Hours)
Writing for Publication (2 Hours)
Personal Finance (1 Hour)
Church Planting (2 Hours)
Ministry and Marketing (2 Hours)
Ministry Finance (1 Hour)