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I Want a Changed Life

Jesus changes your life as you continue seeking and following Him.


What Happens When You Walk Through the Door?


When you believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave, and you call upon Him and place your faith in Him, you become God's child (Romans 10:9, 13). When that happens, your life will change in so many ways.


First, you are forgiven. You have a clean slate; a brand new beginning. Second, God comes and lives inside of you. He places His Holy Spirit within you to be your personal caretaker, guide, teacher, and helper in this new life. Then, He goes to work on the inside of you, and soon you'll see yourself and the world through new eyes. Your desires will change as He works on your heart and soul. 

To understand what's happening, you must realize that you have been born again (John 3:3, 5-6, 16). Your first birth was a natural, physical birth. This birth is your new spiritual birth into the family of God, where He rules and reigns. It's a wonderful feeling and a life-changing experience. This new birth is your new beginning - It really is amazing!


Some Ways You Might Notice Change Within You

1. Awareness of things you used to do that were wrong

2. Humility takes the place of pride

3. Pure, godly desires start to replace impure, ungodly desires

3. Desire to pray and/or read the Bible

4. Desire to attend church or be with others who also believe in Jesus

5. Newfound love or compassion for people around you that wasn't there before

6. Sense of peace, satisfaction, or inner fulfillment

7. Desire to tell others about the Lord and what He's done for you

8. You bring God up more and more in your everyday conversations

9. Newfound view of nature, the world, and people in general

10. You may feel God nudging you or hear Him speak to you throughout your day

11. You may want to "do something" like get involved in your local church

12. Sense of peace, fulfillment and that you're here for a greater purpose


Next up: Spiritual Growth in the family of God!


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